Our Mission
At Good Day Café, a proud initiative of Strawberry Fields, Inc., we’re committed to creating opportunities for people with disabilities in State College, PA. Despite facing an 80% unemployment rate, individuals with disabilities bring tremendous value to the workforce, including reliability
and strong safety records. Since opening, we’ve employed
18 individuals, offering them a path to independence and inclusion. Your support ensures the continued growth of
Good Day Café and inspires other businesses to embrace inclusivity. Together, we can make a lasting impact.
Make a Donation
To donate online, please click here.
By Check
Please make checks payable to Strawberry Fields, Inc. and mail to Strawberry Fields at:
3054 Enterprise Drive
State College, PA 16801
*Please include Good Day Café in the memo
For donation inquiries, please contact Jeannine Lozier, Director of Development and Community Engagement, at jlozier@sfionline.org or 814-234-6023.

Join the Gratitude Tree
The Gratitude Tree, located inside the cafe, was created to recognize the incredible generosity of our donors. Interested in a leaf? Contact Jeannine Lozier at jlozier@sfionline.org or 814-234-6023.
Gratitude Tree Donors
AccuWeather Design Team
Always Stretching Everyone Marilynne W. Stout
Anne Kelly & Emily Carson
Ari Geselowitz & Bettina Welz
Artemis Group
Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP
Barbara Ziff & Jeff Ratner
Bestwick Foundation
Blake & Linda Gall
Bob & Sandy Poole
Brian Joyce Pittsburgh Paint
Bruce & Susan Heim
Carla Haas
Centre 1st Bank
Centre Foundation Centre Inspires Grant
Cindy & Brent Pasquinelli
Dan & Suzie Hawbaker
Dan, Linda, Todd & James Hoffman
David & Alice Passmore
David & Michelle Pasquinelli
Dean & Suzie Johnson
Don & Cindy Koss
Donna Queeney
Donors for the Robert M. Stern Fund
Dorothy O’Connor
Ellen & Jim Campbell
Falon’s Sprinkle Kindness, Inc.
Fernsler Hutchinson Architecture
Frost & Conn Insurance
Gareth, Margaret, & Terry Roof
George McMurtry, ACO
Glenn O. & Thelma M. Hawbaker Family Foundation
Happy 50th! Nancy & Paul Silvis
Hartman Group
Helen Grace Family
In Honor of Mary Lou Yanker
In Honor of Robert M. Stern from Jessica & Eric Benjamin
In loving memory of David & in support of all SFI’s aspirations
In loving memory of Sam Stafford
In Memory of Adele T. Thompson
In Memory of Austin Bowen from IRP
In Memory of David Pasquinelli
In memory of my Uncle Bernie Kopson
In memory of Phil & Ginny Walker
In Memory of Thad C. Russell by Nan Horton, Matthew, Hillary, Suzanne
Industrial-Commerical Realty, LLC
Jack & Jaren Infield
Jaimie & Joe Wright
Jake and Kim Graham
Janie & Ron Prichard
Jens & Rebecca Thorsen
Jill & Hoke
JoAnne & Mark Westerhaus
Joe & Sue Rogacs
Joel & Mariya Myers
John & Carol Kelly
John & Lisa Dimakopoulos
John and Gina Ikenberry
Karl & Amy Werner
Kinetic by Windstream
Kish Bank
Landscape II
Lions Legacy Club
Lubert Family Foundation
Marge Reeder
Matt Porter Fan Club
Meghan & Greg Hayes
Mike & Autumn Cymbor
Mike & Patti Spicer
Mimi & Sy Barash
Morpheus Studio Paula Cipar
Mount Nittany Health
Nittany Valley Handbell Festival
Northup-Moore Family
Paul & Branyan Sensiba
Paul & K.C. Sheeler
Phil & Elaine Savage
Phil & Kathy Vollmer
Phil Vollmer Fairway Ind. Mortgage Co.
Pieter & Lida Ouwehand
Raymond & Barbra Dinsmore
Real Christian Business Associates
Rich & Sally Kalin
Richard & Martha Supina
Rob & Alice Thomas
Ronald & Susan Friedman Family Foundation
Roy & Cindy Love
RT Contracting, Inc.
Shaner Family Foundation
Sharon & Daniel Salter & Family
State College Rotary
State Theatre Local Musicians
Stephen & Patricia Benkovic Foundation
Strawberry Fields
The Cutler Family
The Delafield Family
The Griggs
The Hamer Foundation
The Light-McNaughton Family
The Masons
The Nulton’s
The Porter Family
Tom & Sara Songer
University Park Plaza Corporation
When Soccer Becomes Greater 2021 State College Girls Soccer Team Fundraiser